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The Secret Of Life

  People change people. I learned that from a teen tv show - one of my favorites - and it actually stuck with me the way I think it was supposed to. Everything that makes us ‘us’ comes from and in spite of every single person we ever met. I like to believe our personalities come with us from birth, but people  are what makes us human.   If it’s true that your circle of friends can say a lot about you, would you want to be surrounded by people that think like you do? Or are you a believer in the law of opposites attracting? If it’s true that you can give people the power to change you - making them friends - who would you pick make you better? How would you like to be changed?   I’m fortunate enough to hold close to me many different hearts that have been through my life. It’s always been easy for me to make acquaintances - I give in way too easily, I melt to soft touches and kind words; I let people pull on my sleeve and take my heart with them. I like making friends. Friendships spea

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